Don't wish for it. Work for it. And that's what we do. Full of dedication and passion. Day in day out. We are your food makers. Sow and plant in the spring, we harvest in the fall. Always critical of all facets of the growing season and ourselves and the choices we make. With respect for people, animals and nature. And we are proud. That you too enjoy our beautiful healthy food. In addition to growing our products, we also want to teach you something. Because, if you know what our potato has experienced before it is on your plate, you will go into the kitchen with a different feeling. Then you give it the time and attention to prepare it deserves. Because then you understand that you are privileged to live in the Netherlands, where we farmers are so careful with our fertile agricultural land. Because we all eat that. The world is changing and we are bending with it. We learn, modernize. We are already getting smarter with water, circular systems and sustainable energy. We give back what we take from the earth and so we can continue to grow and harvest. Follow our blog to stay informed about our activities on the farm. Because we like to share it!
Beemster Valery
Deze aardappel vertelt jou
hoe het echt zit met de Nederlandse voedselproductie.
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Beemster Valery
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Every successful product is the result of hard work, and that goes for every industry. Intuition alone is not enough to create a beloved product that people will use.
Tell potential customers why they should invest in this product. Describe the unique features of the product and its advantages over other products. Make sure potential customers are given the confidence to put their money into the product. Will it last a lifetime? Is it healthier than other products? Maybe it is unique and handmade? You should brag a little!