What would we do without our partners. They ensure that Beemster Valery goes further than the polder. Thanks to our network of partners, our potato is now world famous in North Holland. Wholesale Dick Schaap Signal 81 1446 WT Purmerend T 0299-650 824 www.dickschaap.nl Kratje van... Purmerend 06-30159064 www.kratjevan.nl Neighborhoods at home Central wholesale market 139-140 1051 LJ Amsterdam 020-2106050 www.buurtjesaanhuis. nl Foundation Jeelink Communicatie@jeelink.nl
Beemster Valery
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hoe het echt zit met de Nederlandse voedselproductie.
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Beemster Valery
Wij houden van Beemster Valery.
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Beemster Valery and sustainability
The potato is very sustainable. This is apparent from a report by Blonk consultants. Research shows that (cooked) potatoes are more sustainable than (cooked) rice. When growing rice, you have a lot of greenhouse gas emissions due to the flooding of the rice fields. And rice has a lower yield per hectare. And above all; Potatoes have a much higher nutritional value with indispensable nutrients.
Beemster Valery is grown conventionally, but as sustainably as possible. For example, we use peppermint oil against the lice. He cannot escape crop protection against potato blight. “The potato blight is so aggressive that it is impossible to grow them organically. Then you run the risk that the entire harvest will fail.” In the meantime, we use products that are less harmful than a dishwasher tablet and your cat's flea collar. On the way to planetproof ensures that we take people, nature and the environment into account as much as possible.